Résumé :
One of the main features of the academic entrepreneurship is undoubtedly the use of intellectual property rights and, more particularly, the patenting of scientific discoveries. If the early 1980s and the adoption of the Bayh -Dole Act in the United States are considered as a turning point, the use of the intellectual property rights by scientific organizations have to be taken into account in the long term, by integrating both discourses and practice. Besides, the US situation (…)
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Propriété intellectuelle / Intellectual property
Managing scientific patenting in the French Research Organizations during the Interwar period
12 novembre 2014, par GGB -
The 1883 convention and the impossible unification of industrial property
19 juin 2014, par GGBSymbol of a global policy, the TRIPS agreement is often considered as a way to impose a Western intellectual property regime and, thus, as a form of neocolonialism. Some critical analysis of the Western intellectual property invite us to historicize its development and refuse therefore to consider the TRIPS agreement as the inevitable outcome of a teleological process. Characterized by an early international regulation – with the creation of the 1883 Paris Convention on patents and (…)
Controverses, transferts et accommodements dans l’Europe des brevets (1852-1883)
10 juillet 2010, par GGBLe résumé d’une communication à venir
L’impossible propriété scientifique. Savants, publication et propriété intellectuelle dans la France du XIXe siècle
10 juillet 2010, par GGBLe résumé d’une communication future au colloque "Université et édition".
Le retour du brevet d’invention au XIXe siècle
29 mai 2009, par GGBLa présentation faite lors du séminaire consacré au retour de la pensée propriétaire (IFRIS, 28-29 mai 2009)
Was the French Patent System democratic ? France, 19th century
5 février 2008, par GGBAn extract of my paper.